Re-Energise YOU & Your Business In JUST ONE DAY! - 6 JUNE. Save Your Place.

Get The Fastest Path To Clarity, Confidence & Inspired Action Without Feeling Overwhelmed

(Even if It's Been a Tough Time, You’re Feeling Stuck & “Burned Out”,

or You’re Having a Massive Growth Year!)

Join Us for Australia’s Leading Program for Women Business Owners.


⬆️ See What Happens at Australia’s Premier Event For Women Business Owners!

Get The Fastest Path To Clarity, Confidence & Inspired Action Without Feeling Overwhelmed

(Even if It's Been a Tough Time, You’re Feeling Stuck & “Burned Out”,

or You’re Having a Massive Growth Year!)

Join us for Australia’s Leading Program for Women Business Owners.

HerBusiness LIVE Online
6 June 2023

HerBusiness LIVE Online


Tuesday, 6 June 2023

HerBusiness LIVE - New Clients and Connections

Let’s Get Right To The HEART of What’s Going To Make The BIGGEST Difference For YOU & Your Business THIS WEEK, THIS MONTH, THIS YEAR!

Suzi Dafnis - CEO, HerBusiness

Whether you’re having a hard year, a “stuck-in-the-rut” year or a BUMPER year, there’s ONE thing EVERY woman in business needs to SUCCEED…

And it’s NOT about your branding, your website, working more hours or finding some shiny new marketing strategy.

In fact, it’s NOT about ANY one specific tactic or strategy!

After more than 28 years growing MULTIPLE 6, 7 & 8 figure businesses (and helping more than 35,000 other women in business grow THEIR businesses), here’s what I know to be true…

You Need to BE INSPIRED.

And I’m not talking about “light and fluffy” inspiration that evaporates faster than you can say “Hallmark Card”.

I’m talking GRITTY, real, keep-you-going-through-the-tough-times inspiration.

The inspiration that helps you become more profitable by getting paid what you’re worth (and stops you from over-delivering and over-compensating!).

The inspiration that removes the self-doubt and helps you play a bigger game without the stress and second-guessing.

The inspiration that makes you irresistible to your perfect customers and opens new doors of possibility as you grow your audience and impact.

That kind of spirited strength that doesn’t need to shove you out of your comfort zone because it’s magnetically drawing you TOWARDS where you need to go.

The “animated force” that cuts through the confusion and helps you instantly get out of your head and into clarity and action.

And when you can tap into that inspiration, you become unstoppable, no matter what the challenge.

Join us at HerBusiness LIVE for a full day to tap into THAT kind of INSPIRATION for YOU and Your Business…

When You’re INSPIRED, You Also Become INSPIRING...

When you can fill your own cup and find the inspiration that fuels you, THAT’S when you also become INSPIRING to others.

And when you can INSPIRE others, you can instantly…

  • Make a Bigger Difference - All that wonderful expertise and experience and knowledge you have needs to be heard by more people who can benefit from what you do!
  • Get Paid More - Because you can now articulate your value in ways you never could before
  • Attract The RIGHT Kind of Customers - The people who LOVE what you do and are INSPIRED by your message and offer (even if you’ve struggled to win them over in the past).
  • Easily Turn Prospects Into Customers - Know what to say (and when) to have more influence and impact without feeling stressed or “not good enough".
  • Create a Connected Support Network - Find supporters, mentors, peers and people who lift you up, cheer you on, send business and resources your way and help you step into your potential.
  • Build a Great Team - Attract the right people at the right time to get REAL support that actually moves you forward and takes the load off instead of feeling like you’re bearing even more weight!
  • Feel More Confident - Overcome energy-draining thoughts that previously caused you to lose momentum and miss out on opportunities that should have been yours. Now you can have your CHOICE of opportunities and open doors!
  • Build Your Authority - Become known as an in-demand expert and start attracting speaking opportunities, strategic partnerships and more.
  • Grow a Strong Business - When you’re an INSPIRING business owner, you build inspired businesses that can weather the storms AND support you to live the life you LOVE!

Join us at HerBusiness LIVE to Be Inspired and Become Inspiring, all in One Day of Awesomeness!

Find INSPIRATION at Australia’s Leading Program for Women Business Owners.

Register Now For Australia’s Leading Program for Women Business Owners.

Normally $795

(FREE if a current HerBusiness Member)
Plus a bonus ticket for a friend.

A total $1,590 value.

FREE Bonus Gift

HerBusiness LIVE Online
6 June 2023

What Other Business Owners Say About HerBusiness LIVE

Kristy Fox

I Took Time To Work ON My Business

It's important to take the time to work ON your business, and not always only working IN your business.

If you don't take a step back, you can't see where you're going, how you'll get there, and how you're tracking.

Kirsty Fox
Tradies Accounting Toolshed

Anne Maree Wilshire

Excellent Business Connections

I have had a very enjoyable day and have made some excellent business contacts. 
Thanks for the opportunity to meet such inspiring businesswomen.

Anne Maree Wilshire
Vibrant Voices

Erica Webb

The Perfect ‘Cup-Filler’ For Me

Today was the perfect ‘cup-filler for me, and an absolute joy to listen to amazing speakers. 

One of my fave days of the year. 

I am inspired and topped up.

Erica Webb
Self-Kind Hub

You + HerBusiness LIVE = Inspired ACTION!

Grateful & Inspired! Thank You For ENCOURAGING Me

Cat Matson of Impactful Presenters is a long time member of the HerBusiness Network and an experienced business owner. 

And she ALSO understands the importance of continuing to fill her cup by connecting with mentors and communities that inspire and encourage her.

Cat Matson

Inspired, Connected, Hopeful…

Erica Webb of SelfKind Hub says HerBusiness LIVE was the” top-up of inspiration” she needed. 

aIt was a chance for her to connect with amazing speakers AND other incredible women in the community.

One of the BEST ways to get inspired is to get around other amazing women – because inspiration is an emotion we experience when we witness greatness or excellence in OTHERS, which then motivates us to play a bigger game too! (It’s kinda MAGIC!).

Erica Webb

Reinvigorated About My Business… I said YES to an invitation!

Kathryn Bothe of Kreative Wisdom says the inspiration she got at HerBusiness LIVE 2022 reinvigorated her and put her into immediate inspired action – saying YES to an invitation (even though she’s not one for “putting herself out there”) 

PLUS it gave her a practical strategy she could use right away with a difficult client!

It’s amazing what doors you can open and opportunities you can step into when you can shift into INSPIRED ACTION like Kathryn did.

Kathryn Bothe

Action Has Already Been Taken!

Caitlin Budge of Clarified Solutions Consultants says she was “beyond inspired” by HerBusiness LIVE to get into action right away!

She was also able to inspire her TEAM by sharing all the “nutrients” she captured in her notes from the day with her team.

That’s what happens when you take time to invest in YOU and reset your inspiration levels. You become an inspiration for your team and support network… which is a WIN/WIN because you get better support and better results when your team is inspired!

Caitlin Budge

HerBusiness LIVE - Event Details




Date and Time

Date and Time

Tuesday, 6 June 2023
9.00 am - 5.30 pm AEST 

Cost to Attend


Normally $795
(FREE if a current HerBusiness Member). Plus a bonus ticket for a friend. A total $1,590 value.

Build Unshakable Confidence & Trust in Your Business Direction, Without Overthinking, Even If You’ve Struggled With Decision-Making in the Past.

HerBusiness LIVE ‘INSPIRED” is For You If You Want...

Inspired Creativity

Inspired Creativity

Inspiration drives innovative thinking and problem-solving.

You’ll light up your passion for your business and embrace the creative energy to differentiate your brand and your products or services.

Inspired Grit

Inspired Grit

Staying inspired takes having strategies to overcome challenges and setbacks.

Your contagious enthusiasm will lead to a more dedicated and productive approach to your marketing and your projects.

Inspired Action

Inspired Action

When you take inspired action, you tap into a deeper alignment with your true desires and aspirations.

Foster a more authentic connection with your work, allowing you to make impactful progress in your personal and business life.

HerBusiness LIVE Online - “Inspired”

Register Now For Australia’s Leading Program for Women Business Owners.

Normally $795

(FREE if a current HerBusiness Member)
Plus a bonus ticket for a friend.

A total $1,590 value.

HerBusiness LIVE Online
6 June 2023

HerBusiness LIVE - Your Keynote Speakers

Keynote Presentations. Practical Workshops. Inspiring Panels.

Here are the SPECIFIC strategies to help you GET INSPIRED and BE INSPIRING that you’ll get all in ONE DAY at HerBusiness LIVE.

  • Discover how to generate INSPIRATION on demand by pressing a little-known button in your BRAIN (that everyone has!)
  • Steal the formula that inspired over 12,000 STUDENTS and attracted over 150,000 AUDIENCE MEMBERS to buy.
  • Get 5 Sales Page “Hacks” That Get More Sales and More of Your PERFECT CUSTOMERS – Without You Having To Be a Genius Copywriter – Even if Your Current Sales Page is “Embarrassing” (or Non-Existent)!
  • Learn how to brainstorm ideas for sales-producing MESSAGING and CONTENT across SOCIALS and get help to map out SOCIAL MEDIA content without wasting a TON of time.
  • Uncover BUSINESS AREAS you can systemise, automate, and delegate so you can ‘let go and GROW!’
  • Inspiration from an Australian Freestyle Skydiving CHAMPION who turned her attention to FUNDRAISING and is heading up a FAST-GROWTH BUSINESS that is growing in the US market.
  • And much more.
HerBusiness LIVE - Your Keynote Speakers

Learn From World-Class Experts and Inspiring Entrepreneurs.

No Gabfest. No Pitchy Pitches. Just Awesome, Practical Information and Easy Strategies to TAP into YOUR INSPIRATION and Help Your Business Grow Immediately. You’ll hear what’s working RIGHT NOW from world-class speakers and inspiring entrepreneurs.

Your guest speakers include:

Marisa Murgatroyd
Michelle Falzon
Suzi Dafnis
Kristy Smith
Tina Hay
Brooke McCallum
Cat Matson
Angela Counsel
Katy Abbott
Skye Anderton

HerBusiness LIVE - Event Details




Date and Time

Date and Time

Tuesday, 6 June 2023
9.00 am - 5.30 pm AEST 

Cost to Attend


Normally $795
(FREE if a current HerBusiness Member). Plus a bonus ticket for a friend. A total $1,590 value

HerBusiness LIVE - Mentors and Experts

Make Connections. Meet Mentors and Experts. 

In one energising, inspiration-filled day, you'll:

  • Uncover INNOVATIVE shortcuts to ignite your business success
  • Forge CONNECTIONS and NETWORK with like-minded women business owners
  • Gain access to NEW CLIENTS and REFERRALS
  • Be INSPIRED by real-life examples of women elevating their businesses
  • Craft your personalised ACTION PLAN
  • Achieve GREATER FOCUS and CLARITY on your next steps

Plus, you'll meet leading female entrepreneurs and WORLD-CLASS SPEAKERS.

And here's the exciting part...

These down-to-earth women will candidly share what it's REALLY like to grow a business, the obstacles they've overcome, and the SECRET STRATEGIES they use daily – and how you can, too.

  • Discover how women thrive in their ideal businesses (without burnout and overwhelm).
  • Engage in discussions tailored to help you apply others' business experiences to your own success!
  • Network with other women business owners... all potential suppliers, centres of influence, or possible clients!
  • Simultaneously, gain a female perspective on some of the most significant challenges and hottest topics facing small businesses today, and learn how you can position your business to rise above.

Immerse yourself in a full day dedicated to working ON your business, away from the daily grind, and return INSPIRED and ready to take action.

Be Inspired. Be Inspiring

Who said business had to be boring or hard?

What if you could create the business and life you LOVE?

When you can find ways to BE INSPIRED, you can also BE INSPIRING… and that means more customers, more opportunities, more stepping into what's possible!

Just like these inspiring women business owners who are part of the HerBusiness Community!

Inspired to Try a NEW Marketing Approach

Renovation Expert, Bernadette Janson, Made $50,000
in LESS than a WEEK!

Bernadette Janson

When a PROVEN strategy meets with INSPIRED ACTION the results can be mind-blowing!

HerBusiness member Bernadette Janson discovered this when she took a new strategy she’d just learned at one of our events and implemented it right away.

She got the inspiration and support she needed to try something new… and it worked - generating $50,000 in just 5 days!

“I’m Speechless”

Inspired to Create a New Business Model

Roofing Business Owner, Joanna Anderson, Inspired To Create a New Revenue Stream To Make Her Business Stronger

Joanna Anderson

What one BIG IDEA might you get at HerBusiness LIVE that could INSPIRE you to unlock a whole new revenue stream for your business?

HerBusiness member Joanna Anderson was so inspired by one of our guest speakers, membership expert Stu McLaren; she got into immediate INSPIRED ACTION to create recurring revenue for HER business!

This opportunity was hiding in plain sight, and she just needed the right mentor and INSPIRATION to tap into it!

“After listening to Stu today, I’ve been (freaking) inspired (thanks Suzi Dafnis) to create a membership around our services.”

Inspired to Grow Your Business & Be Seen

Award Winning Working Mum, Nadia Omair, Inspired Every Day to Get Out There and Build Her Business 

(Now She’s Also Inspiring Others Who Juggle Business & Parenthood)

Nadia Omair

What might winning a prestigious industry award do for YOU and your business?

HerBusiness member Nadia Omair says the women in the HerBusiness community “inspire her every day to get out there and build my business.”

And that INSPIRED ACTION has led to her winning MULTIPLE awards and following her passion.

Nadia shows us that inspiration is not a “nice to have” and it’s not an “airy fairy” – when you’re inspired, you’re MOTIVATED to move your business forward just like she has every day, every week and every year.

And now, she’s also a leading light in her industry, attracting her dream clients and inspiring others!

“I am so proud to be able to inspire all those women and others who are struggling to be confident and are not sure if they can follow their passion of running a business and fulfil their parental responsibilities at the same time. I can show them that it’s NOT impossible, and you can be dang brilliant at both!”

Claim Your Place Today!

Presentations start at 9.00am AEST. Join us for a day of world-class speakers, awesome workshops and networking sessions.

HerBusiness LIVE - Your Keynote Speakers

Hear from world-class speakers and entrepreneurs

HerBusiness LIVE - New Clients and Connections

Get connected with potential clients, suppliers and friends!

HerBusiness LIVE - Mentors and Experts

Real-world stories from other women growing businesses

HerBusiness LIVE - Focus

Get a new direction and your next best business moves!

HerBusiness LIVE - Workshops

Awesome Workshops

HerBusiness LIVE - Virtual Cocktail Hour

Virtual Cocktails
Happy Hour

Find INSPIRATION at Australia’s Leading Program for Women Business Owners.

Register Now For Australia’s Leading Program for Women Business Owners.

Normally $795

(FREE if a current HerBusiness Member)
Plus a bonus ticket for a friend.

A total $1,590 value.

FREE Bonus Gift

HerBusiness LIVE Online
6 June 2023

HerBusiness LIVE - Free Stuff


Over $127 in Bonuses

We're crafting an INCREDIBLE day brimming with SURPRISES and BONUSES, including your HerBusiness LIVE “Inspired” Event Pack* loaded with GOODIES to enhance your HerBusiness LIVE experience.

This $127 value is yours, absolutely FREE.

Plus, you'll have the chance to win THOUSANDS of dollars in DOOR PRIZES.

HerBusiness LIVE - Bonuses and Door Prizes

*While stocks last. The images shown are representative only.

Find INSPIRATION at Australia’s Leading Program for Women Business Owners.

Register Now For Australia’s Leading Program for Women Business Owners.

Normally $795

(FREE if a current HerBusiness Member)
Plus a bonus ticket for a friend.

A total $1,590 value.

HerBusiness LIVE Online
6 June 2023

HerBusiness LIVE Online Gift Box


Your HerBusiness LIVE Event Pack

We’ve curated a gorgeous, hand-chosen box of goodies to help you make the most of the day.

$127 Value Yours FREE when you register now. 

(Limited supplies. Only available while stocks last.)

HerBusiness LIVE Online 2021 - Schedule

Here's the Schedule

Tuesday, 6 June 2023

8.45 am – Registration

9.00 am – Morning Session

Opening Address
Keynote Presentations with World-Class Speakers
Morning Break

12.45 pm – Lunch (and Networking)

1.15 pm – Afternoon Session

Keynote Presentations with World-Class Speakers
The "Inspired CEO" Panel
Afternoon Break
Business Brainstorming and Networking Sessions

5.30 pm – Close

5.30 pm - 6.30 pm – Virtual Cocktails and Networking

All times are in AEST (Sydney time). Check your time zone.

HerBusiness LIVE Online - “Inspired”

Register Now For Australia’s Leading Program for Women Business Owners.

Normally $795

(FREE if a current HerBusiness Member)
Plus a bonus ticket for a friend.

A total $1,590 value.

HerBusiness LIVE Online
6 June 2023

HerBusiness LIVE - Your Keynote Speakers

Your Inspiring Speakers, Workshop Presenters and Panelists

Meet Your Speakers: Successful Female Entrepreneurs Who Have Grown Multiple 6, 7, and 8 Figure Businesses Both Online and Offline, across Dozens of Niches.

Marisa Murgatroyd

The Dopamine Button: How to Inspire People to Change Their Lives

As the founder of Live Your Message & Creator of The Experience Formula, Marisa gets people so excited about changing their lives that they stop dreaming and start doing. Learn exactly how to motivate yourself, your team or your audience to finally take action on the things that matter most.

Michelle Falzon

The “INSPIRED” Sales Page: How To Go From “Stuck & Stagnant” to a “Sales Stampede” -  5 EASY Tips To Transform Your Sales Page & Inspire MORE of Your PERFECT Customers To BUY From You!

A high-level content strategist, Michelle Falzon has created over 150 digital marketing funnels and high-performing sales pages. In this session, she shares her experience in creating sales pages for her products and services, as well as for leading thought leaders over the past two decades. Her work has generated millions of dollars in sales across various industries.

Suzi Dafnis

How to Build Unshakable Confidence & Trust in Your Business Direction, Without Overthinking, Even If You’ve Struggled With Decision-Making in the Past.

Suzi is the CEO of HerBusiness, a membership community that provides resources, support, and training for women entrepreneurs. Explore the key principles of unshakable confidence and learn how to build a resilient mindset that will help you weather any challenge, stay focused on your goals, and make strategic decisions with greater ease and clarity.

Skye Anderton

Living Positively, Passionately, Purposefully, and Create Meaningful Products

Skye Anderton is the founder of Ruby Olive Jewellery, known for creating purposeful products with stories and soul. In this presentation, she explores the intersection of creativity, purpose, and fulfilment. She offers practical advice on cultivating a positive and passionate mindset and channelling that energy into creating “inspired” products and services.

Brooke McCallum

How We Turned Fundraising Socks into a Global Business: A Story of Persistence and Adapting to Change

Brooke McCallum is an Australian entrepreneur and co-founder of Sockable, a successful manufacturing and fundraising company that expanded globally during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Kristy Smith

Reconnect with Your Why and Delegate the Rest: Streamline Your Success

Kristy Smith of Virtual Elves shows how to simplify tasks, optimise your productivity, and rediscover your passion and purpose in work by delegating non-essential tasks to virtual assistants.

Tina Hay

The Social Media Content Plan That Inspires Your Clients To Buy

Tina Hay of Puzzle Media arms you with the tools and strategies to create a personalised social media content plan that is easy to follow. Never wonder what to post again.


Cat Matson
Angela Counsel
Katy Abbott

You’ll love hearing from three inspiring women business owners who have had major business breakthroughs and have grown their businesses and their impact in BIG ways - getting more clients (think 10Xing the number of clients), becoming more visible within their niches, growing their teams, launching new products and services, being more connected to their purpose and missions and stepping into their own power as leaders in their businesses and industries.

We’ll unpack how they’ve tapped into inspired action and moved into great momentum and how you can too.

Find INSPIRATION at Australia’s Leading Program for Women Business Owners.

Register Now For Australia’s Leading Program for Women Business Owners.

Normally $795

(FREE if a current HerBusiness Member)
Plus a bonus ticket for a friend.

A total $1,590 value.

FREE Bonus Gift

HerBusiness LIVE Online
6 June 2023

HerBusiness LIVE - What Others Say

We’ve Helped Thousands of Women Make Connections, Find New Clients, Get Inspired and Motivated, and Take Purposeful Action

What A Great Atmosphere

“While I was excited about the keynote, I honestly didn’t know what to expect in terms of the general atmosphere at the day. I was relieved and delighted to discover how friendly and open the delegates were. There was plenty of laughter, food and phone numbers exchanged! I will definitely be attending again and I’ll be bringing my friends.”


Deep Learning

"The learnings were deep. I enjoyed hearing other people's stories, learning from them and now thinking, well how can I apply that to my business."

Anita McLachlan
Sequins and Sand

Valuable and Heart-Felt

HerBusiness LIVE - Facebook Testimonials

Generous and Inclusive

HerBusiness LIVE - Facebook Testimonials


"I thought it was a fabulous mix of business-related process content combined with a good mix of inspiration."

Bronwen Levett
South Coast Auto Services

The Place You Want to Be

"My instinct is right that this is a place you want to be if you're a female business owner. And, I can't wait for the next HerBusiness Live."

Christina Sanchez
Back Yourself Coaching

Full of Energy

HerBusiness LIVE - Facebook Testimonials

Inspiration, Motivation and Insights

“How can you pass up an opportunity to tap into the minds of successful businesswomen? Inspiration, motivation and insights into what makes a business succeed, all in one fantastic day. If you are in business or even thinking about it, you can’t afford to miss this event.”


A Friendly and Encouraging Environment

“Really friendly and encouraging environment, and great networking. Many of these women will go on to be mentors of mine! So fabulous to see women truly working together.”


I Signed Up A New Client!

“Thanks for making this such a great day. Yesterday, I signed up a new client - a direct result of the day, and I have several more people to see! It was a great experience!”


HerBusiness LIVE Online
HerBusiness LIVE - FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions

I’m not sure if I can make it. Will you be doing this again?
This event is only held once this year. You don’t want to delay getting proven strategies to:

  • connect with your ideal clients
  • get your messaging locked in and working for you
  • connect with potential clients, prospects and strategic alliances
  • access mentors and experts who will give you valuable advice
  • discover out-of-the-box marketing strategies that can give you a much-needed boost
  • spend time out of your ‘day-to-day’ grind and work ON your business  

What time does the event finish?
The presentations end at 5.30 pm AEST. And then it's PARTY TIME! Join us for Virtual Cocktails from 5.30 pm till 6.30 pm AEST.

Will I get to Network even though the event is online?
You betcha. Networking and connecting is in our DNA and we've created numerous opportunities for you to connect with others throughout the day (even if you're the shy or introverted type who typically doesn't like networking).

What's the agenda?
The day features four keynote presentations, three hands-on workshops, an inspiring panel discussion, networking opportunities, and business brainstorming sessions. We provide both morning and afternoon breaks and a lunch break (though we understand it may be difficult to step away from your newfound community, even briefly). We wrap up the day with networking and Virtual Cocktails. It's going to be a FUN day.

Is there a workbook?
There is a comprehensive workbook that you'll definitely want to use to take notes of action items and to get the low-down on the door prizes and surprises on the day.

When do I get my “INSPIRED” EVENT PACK Gift Box?
When you register, we will verify the delivery address to ship you your special “Inspired” Event Gift Box (available while stocks last). The goodies inside will help make your HerBusiness LIVE Online experience even better. Note: Limited supplies. Order by 16 May to qualify for your bonus pack.

What if I need to cancel my attendance at HerBusiness LIVE?
Should you be unable to attend, a substitute delegate is welcome. A full refund (less a $99 administration fee) will be given to cancellations received in writing by Friday, 26 May 2023. If your Gift Box was sent to you when you cancelled, an additional $99 fee will be deducted from your refund.

A 50% refund (less the admin fee) will be given for cancellations received after 26 May and before 6 June 2023.

No refunds will be given to cancellations made on or after 6 June 2023 or for non-attendance.

All changes to registrations must be received in writing to

Got more questions? Email us here or use the live chat on this page.

Find INSPIRATION at Australia’s Leading Program for Women Business Owners.

Register Now For Australia’s Leading Program for Women Business Owners.

Normally $795

(FREE if a current HerBusiness Member)
Plus a bonus ticket for a friend.

A total $1,590 value.

FREE Bonus Gift

HerBusiness LIVE Online
6 June 2023